ADA Compliance Plan

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 is a civil rights statute (Law), enforced through the judicial system. This law prohibits discrimination against people who have disabilities. Title II of the Act specifically addresses the subject of making public services accessible to those with disabilities and applies to municipalities.

In 2010 new replacement ADA standards were issued and became effective March 15, 2012. These new standards were expanded to contain recreational assets; playgrounds, play areas, athletic fields, sports courts, and more.

A Transition Plan is required for municipalities with over 50 City employees to identify physical obstacles that limit the accessibility of facilities to individuals with disabilities, and describe the methods to be used to make the facilities accessible, provide a schedule for making the access modifications, and identify the public officials responsible for implementation of the Transition Plan.

Remedial Measures necessary to bring the programs, policies, and services into compliance with Title II should be specified. These may include:

  • Relocation of programs to accessible facilities
  • Offering programs in an alternative accessible manner
  • Structural changes to provide program access
  • Policy modifications to ensure nondiscrimination
  • Auxiliary aids needed to provide effective communication

Thus the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II requires physical accessibility assessments of all existing facilities to determine whether there are elements that create physical barriers for individuals to access the City of Waupun’s programs, policies and services.