Genealogy & Waupun History


Check below to find information on the most commonly requested items related to genealogy.  We have other in-house items, such as:  cemetery records and/or inscriptions for different cemeteries in the area; donated Waupun family histories; Dodge and Fond du Lac County histories; Waupun city histories; Waupun city directories; Waupun military service information; Waupun school yearbooks; Columbia, Dodge, Fond du Lac, and Green Lake County plat map books (various years); and miscellaneous Waupun information.  Please call us at 920-324-7925 or email Reference Librarian Pam Garcia,, to inquire about these resources.

Copies/scans of resources are, in most cases, free.  If a large volume of copies are needed, the library will charge $.10 per copy.  If a large volume of scans are requested, no charge would be applied; however, the time frame for completion will depend upon current workload of library staff.